Tax Bills: Collections at the Town Hall at the following times:
Friday, Dec. 27th and Tuesday Dec. 31st from 1:00 pm - 4:00 Pm
Saturday, Dec. 28th from 9:00 am - noon
Thursday, Jan. 30th from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Friday, Jan 31st, 9:00 am - noon

Mailed taxes must be postmarked by Jan. 31st, 2025, If you split your taxes, please pay the amount in the ‘Installment Options' box. The second half is due at the County Treasurer by July 31st, 2025. Refuse and forest crop taxes must be paid by January 31st, 2025. If you would like to pay your taxes before January 1st, 2025, please mail them or stop at the Town Hall during the hours listed. There is a drop box outside of the Hall where you can drop off your payment as well. DO NOT place cash in the drop box. A receipt will be mailed if you provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope and the full-page tax bill, otherwise, no receipt will be mailed. $25 will be charged for any returned checks.

Copies of the 2025 tax roll are available online or at the town hall during the above tax collection dates.

Dog licenses: All dogs are required to be licensed annually. All licenses expire on 12/31 for the year issued. To license your dog by January 1st, you need 1) proof of current rabies vaccination, 2) fee (check made out to the Town of Barre) and 3) completed online form. Please pay your Dog license with your mailed taxes or at the collection times listed above. Neutered males and spayed females $12, All others $23
You may also pay your dog license on Saturday March 29th from 10:00 am – noon at the Town Hall. Due to a grace period, all dog licenses are due by March 31st. Any late licenses, after March 31st, must be paid directly to the La Crosse County Clerk with a $25 penalty.

Monthly meeting: The Town Board meeting is held on the second Tuesday of each month. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. To be on the agenda please contact Chairman Curt Berg at 608-386-3335 at least one week prior to the meeting.
Large Dump will be offered two weekends in 2025. Check the enclosed Calander for dates and times. Large dump does not include garbage, building materials, mattresses, tires, white goods or E-waste.  
White goods include: Refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, stoves, dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners, central htg/cooling units, microwaves, copy machines, electric motors, furnaces or dehumidifiers.  E-Waste includes: computers, monitors, televisions, copy machines, printers, fax machines, tablets, video display devices, cell phones, stereos, DVD players and VCR’s. 
Rentals: The town hall and the park shelter are both available to rent. The application form and details regarding rentals can be found on the website. For more information Contact Treasurer Meri McKinney at 608-780-4651.
Burning Permit: Please contact Curt Berg 608-386-3335, Bob Miller 608-786-2040 or John McGowan 608-799-0568 to get a burning permit.
Town of Barre will accept clean brush at our site on Swamp Road by appointment only. Call Curt 608-386-3335 to make an appointment during business hours. (Monday – Friday 7:00 to 3:30).
Reminder: No long-term parking is allowed on town roads at any time of year.
Staff:  Curt Berg, Chairman 608-386-3335, Bob Miller, Supervisor 608-786-2040, John McGowan, Supervisor 608-799-0568, Ann Schlimgen, Clerk 608-786-4382, Meri McKinney, Treasurer, 608-780-4651.